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Visuals are quite nice. It is also fun to figure out in which order to eat flies to get better fly count.
Froglutton physics feels a little weird - it is round, but sticks to the edge of platforms and other surfaces, but sometimes don't.
As of bugs, don't know if this is a bug, but at the last level, in it's rightmost part, I can squeeze throung one-tile hole after eating two flies, visualy I'm larger than the hole, but I pass through it.

First off, glad you liked the art and enjoyed the puzzles!

As for the physics were not quiet where I wanted them, but is the nature of jams. I ended up have issues with the player character and the tile maps. When I looked into it during the jam, I realized that it was a much larger thing to tackle because of how the tongue was programed. I had to put kind of a band aid fix on the issue otherwise players could no-clip through walls. Hearing that you were still able to go through where you were too large, it seems the band aid may be a bit loose. I want to work on the game more, with a new way to detect collisions with the tiles already in mind.

Thank you for playing and taking the time to write a review, I appreciate it.  


Great! Nice visual touch on where you can grab. It really helps with understanding what to do.
A little be junky on controls but who I am to judge (appriciate feedback on my GMTK submission too).

Also, some squash and some sounds could provide some nice feedback (ala juice) which would make the whole experience much nicer.

I was worried the "Mud" didn't stand out enough glad to hear it was working well! 

Looking for more details on the controls, was it the controls of the tongue?

Thanks for feedback to make my game better!

Movement of the character a little bit too stiff for a rolling ball. I would expect it to roll for a little more even when I would stop pressing key.

Also, when move to your "tongue destination" it looks like the end of the tongue moves towards you.

And it would be nice to have a cursor hint when you're able to hit the surface and when it's too far.

Well done on the concept and art!

The only bugs in this game were the ones I ate. I'd play a full version of this, would work great even on mobile platforms!